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PRP Treatment

What is PRP?

Platelet-rich plasma or PRP is plasma with many more platelets than what is found in the blood. The platelet is the special factor which is found in the blood that helps in clotting. These platelets are very important in the healing process.
PRP is prepared by drawing blood from a patient and by separating platelets from other blood cells. The concentrations of these platelets are increased by a process called centrifugation. Then this PRP which has increased concentration of platelets is combined with the remaining blood.


How does PRP works?

Platelet-rich plasma is mainly used for faster healing and to avoid more invasive or radical treatments. PRP substance is injected into the affected tissue, which leads to local inflammation which helps for wound healing and results in the deposition of new collagen and bioactive proteins found in platelets. The new collagen deposited shrinks as it matures and tightens the damaged tissue.
PRP is a type of ortho-biological treatment which has the potential to benefit a wide range of acute injuries and chronic conditions. The following are some of the general conditions that can benefit from PRP treatments:

  • Age Spots
  • Pores and wrinkles
  • Eye bags
  • Dull skin
  • Hair loss
  • Ligament Injuries
  • Rotator Cuff tears
  • Jumper’s or runner’s knee
  • Herniated disc
  • Sinus lift augmentation
  • Sciatica or sciatic nerve pain

What are the benefits of PRP treatment?

PRP has been used successfully in medical, surgical and cosmetic disciplines for many years. PRP is safe and natural as the procedure uses your own concentrated good cells and injects directly back into the area where it is needed. The other benefits of PRP include:

  • PRP is a non-surgical treatment.
  • It is more reliable than other treatments.
  • There is no chance of getting an infection from another person.
  • The recovery time is very short.
  • It will not get rejected from your own immune system.
  • PRP can be used to treat hair loss as it promotes hair follicle that helps in hair growth.
  • The result is completely natural.
  • It works in the area where laser treatment can’t reach.
  • The time required for the procedure is relatively shorter.

What are the risks and side effects of PRP treatment?

The risks and side effects of PRP are very few comparing to other treatment procedures. As PRP is based on injection there will be some risk issues due to the injection which includes:

  • Pain in the injected areas.
  • Infection in the area of insertion or extraction.
  • Bleeding or injury may occur on the nerves during insertion or extraction.

How long does PRP take to see the results?

After PRP treatment you will start to see the results in about four to eight months and the patient will see remarkable improvement within six to twelve months. If the patient is properly treated the result will continue to improve up to a year.



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